Belden & Belden Cross
Explore our extensive selection of Belden and Belden Equal cables for reliable connectivity solutions.
Most items are in stock. If not, we will leverage our large network of factories to get your material ASAP.
Email [email protected] with your needs.
(insert link to customer application form and request a quote form)
Small shipments will be sent via UPS/Fedex. Larger shipments will go with one of our carrier partners. Tracking will be provided.
Yes. We offer delivery locally in around DFW and Houston metropolitan areas.
Most orders will ship the same day if material is stock.
You do not. We can process prepaid credit card orders. Reach out to [email protected] for additional details
We do. Let your rep know and we will get you a quote on shipping.
Our website showcases a sample of what we can provide. Message us at [email protected] with your specific needs.
No. These are just our most common offerings. If you are needing something you don’t see, please reach out and inquire. It is highly likely we can provide it.
Belden cables are the name brand, like Kleenex for tissues. Belden equal cables, on the other hand, are like generic tissues. They are made by other companies, but are designed to function just like Belden cables
Belden equivalent cables, while designed to mimic Belden cables, aren't guaranteed to be exact equals. There can be some variability depending on the manufacturer of the equivalent cable.